Discover the diverse components of Temperament Therapy.
Temperament Test, Types, and Therapy

Embrace the transformative effects of Temperament Therapy and unlock your true potential!
Give your mind and soul the perfect balance and harmony that you deserve.
Learn to control your emotions and rid yourself of fear, anxiety, stress and increase inner satisfaction.
Take the Temperament Assessment Today and Discover Your Purpose and Potential!
The outcome of this test provides our licensed counsellors with the accurate information needed to guide you on how to:
• Find complete balance for your body, soul and spirit.
• Identify your needs for socialization, control, power, love, and affection.
• Take control of your emotions and what triggers them.
• Eliminate fear, anxiety, anger and increase inner satisfaction.
• Gain a deeper self-awareness.
• Develop stronger, more fulfilling marriages, relationships and friendships.
• Make better career and hobby choices.
• Develop spiritual maturity.
Schedule a free consultations. We will send you the online test. It only takes 8-12 minutes to complete
• Take it anywhere, anytime with your smart phone or via email For FREE!*
• With minutes your Temperament Type and Personal Temperament Report would be ready for review
• A Licensed Counselor and will review your Personal APS report with you
• Effective tool for Parents – especially with teenagers
• Can be effectively administered to children as young as 7
• *Pay the Temperament Test and Session Fee (Includes (2) 55 min sessions $149)
Temperaments are the inborn part of us that determines how we react to people, places, and things. Temperaments lie within our soul and determine our need for socialization, control, and affection.
Temperament Therapy is the mechanism to find the balance between body, soul and spirit, allowing us to be the best that we were created to be. If the soul and spirit are to remain in balance, the three temperament areas of Inclusion, Control and Affection must be balanced. If the soul and spirit are out of balance, our physical bodies will break down. We must understand this order to provide a means for achieving balance.
-Wedding Planners/Bridal Shops
-PreMarital Counseling
-Marriage Counseling
-Faith Based Counseling
-Corporate/Business Employee Hiring & Screening
-Family Therapy
-Children *(as young as 7 can take the Assessment
-Public & Private Schools Institutions (Students)
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Embrace the transformative effects of Temperament Therapy and unlock your true potential!
Temperament Color: Black
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Melancholy Temperament
Melancholy characterized by a need to be alone. They are independent, realistic, artistic, and creative. They also tend to be thinkers.
Melancholy in Inclusion Strengths
In the area of Inclusion, the Melancholy has some very definite strengths which, when controlled, can cause the Melancholy to do many great and wonderful things. These strengths include: introvert, loner, great thinker, genius-prone, very artistic and creative, often found alone in thought, perfectionistic, slow-paced, great understanding of tasks and systems, a critical and challenging mind, and seeing both the pitfalls and the end results of a project undertaken. You can see that once these strengths are brought under the ordinances of God, the Melancholy in Inclusion is capable of great things.
Melancholy in Inclusion Weaknesses
When the Melancholy sinks to their weaknesses, the following will happen: they become extremely moody, suffer from “black” depressions, reject people, set standards neither they nor anyone else can meet, develop habits that are very hard to break, have suicidal tendencies, low self-esteem and are pessimistic. Therefore, when the Melancholy sinks to their weaknesses, they can be destructive to themselves and others.
The Melancholy has a fear of economic failure that prevents them from going forward. This can also be a strength in that they are thrifty and live within their means.
Temperament Color: Red
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Sanguine Temperament
- Sanguine characterized by their need for people. They are bright, cheerful people who are like sunshine. They are attracted to colorful things and a heightened sense of smell.
Sanguine in Inclusion Strengths
In the temperament area of Inclusion, the Sanguine has some very definite strengths. The temperament strengths of the Sanguine include: being friendly, outgoing, inspiring to others, relationship oriented, enthusiastic, warm, optimistic, ability to see the bright side of life and the good in other people. They genuinely like people, are rarely found alone, and freely interact with people. When looking at these strengths, you can see the potential for achieving great accomplishments.
Sanguine in Inclusion Weaknesses
The weaknesses of a Sanguine in Inclusion are those that can become very destructive to the Sanguine, both emotionally and spiritually. These include: being talkative, always the center of the conversation, apt to take on the behavior and morals of the people around them, impulsive, undisciplined, rude, prone to exaggerate, need to appear successful (even to the point of exaggeration), will ignore responsibilities in order to be with people.
Temperament Color: Blue
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Choleric Temperament
Choleric characterized by a need to dominate/control situations, self, and others. Also, have leadership capabilities.
Choleric in Inclusion Strengths
In the temperament area of Inclusion the Choleric has some excellent strengths, which include being open, friendly, confident, outgoing, optimistic, and toughminded. This person is perfectionistic and has a good mind for envisioning new projects and is an extrovert of a highly selective nature.
Choleric in Inclusion Weaknesses
In the temperament area of Inclusion, the Choleric also has some weaknesses. They are often hot- tempered and, although everyone uses people to some extent, the Choleric in Inclusion “carries the flag.”They are people users, however, they call themselves “people motivators.” In addition, because of being easily frustrated in their attempts to “motivate” people, they harbor anger and are sometimes cruel.
The Choleric in Inclusion has another weakness which they view as a strength. They always dominate social conversations. They are not necessarily rude, just domineering in all social interaction. They control the social scene.
The Choleric in Inclusion has a personable, almost arrogant manner in dealing with people and most of us would believe they are genuine in relating to people. However, the Choleric is a task oriented person. The real interaction the Choleric attempts to establish is for their driving need for accomplishments and recognition for their accomplishments.
Temperament Color: Green
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Phlegmatic Temperament
Phlegmatics are characterized by their low energy, easy-going manner and peacemaking abilities.
Phlegmatic in Inclusion Strengths
In the temperament area of Inclusion, Phlegmatic strengths include the ability to perform tedious tasks and to relate to both tasks and people. They are calm, easy-going, extremely efficient and perfectionist.
The Phlegmatic in Inclusion can function quite well in a hostile social setting. Nothing “ruffles their feathers."
Phlegmatic in Inclusion Weaknesses
In the temperament area of Inclusion, the Phlegmatic weaknesses include unwillingness to become involved, tendency to be an observer rather than a participant, and use of a verbal defense that often hurts others.
The Phlegmatic is the most stable temperament. They have no real problems with anger, rejection or destructive emotions like the other temperaments. They have no compulsive needs or wants and suffer very little from bitterness or un-forgiveness. The most damaging thing about the Phlegmatic is their stubborn resistance to change and their un-involvement in life. The Phlegmatic is the most stubborn of all temperaments when it comes to making changes. The harder you push them to make changes, the more stubborn they become in resisting these changes. To change takes energy; to stay the same does not. Therefore, the Phlegmatic will take the path of least resistance, which is to remain the same.
Temperament Color: Yellow
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Supine Temperament
Supine characterized by their indirect behaviors, inability to initiate, and their gentle spirit. They are also people-pleasers who feel their only purpose is to serve others.
In the area of Inclusion, the Supine strengths include a great capacity for service, liking people, and the desire to serve others. They possess an inborn gentle spirit.
Supine in Inclusion Strengths
In the temperament area of Inclusion, Phlegmatic strengths include the ability to perform tedious tasks and to relate to both tasks and people. They are calm, easy-going, extremely efficient and perfectionist.
The Phlegmatic in Inclusion can function quite well in a hostile social setting. Nothing “ruffles their feathers."
Supine in Inclusion Weaknesses
The Supine’s Inclusion weaknesses include indirect behavior that expects others to read their mind, high fear of rejection, and harboring anger viewed as “hurt feelings.”
Supine in Inclusion
The Supine in Inclusion is relationship-oriented and needs to relate to other people. They indicate temperament needs for social interaction, surface relationships and intellectual energies.
The Supine in Inclusion is both introverted and extroverted. This means they express themselves as an introvert and respond as an extrovert. Because this person is quiet and usually found in the background in a social situation they appear to be distant and respond only when approached by others. They will not send messages that they want to be accepted nor do they assert themselves. They want others to guess their need to socialize. They are often frustrated in their loneliness, when other fail to anticipate their needs.
The Supine in Inclusion does not relate to nor understand tasks as well as they do people. When at parties or social activities, you would never guess from outward signs that they desire to be included. If the people around the Supine do not interact with them with acute sensitivity, the Supine will forever remain in social isolation.
The Supine Temperament can undertake numerous tasks, especially if these tasks are performed for the development of friendships. A person with this type of temperament can be extremely accommodating to other people, even at their own expense. The need to serve others and make them happy, leads to their being natural born victims.

Temperaments consist of three major areas
Inclusion | Control | Affection
Determines who is in or out of the relationship.
Determines who maintains the power and makes decisions for the relationship.
Determines how emotionally close or distant the relationship is.
The Temperament areas of Inclusion, Control and Affection (emotional needs) must be balanced or our physical bodies will eventually break down.
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What is inclusion?
Inclusion is the need to establish and maintain a satisfactory, surface relationship with people through association and socialization. Relationships include parties, social gatherings and people who come in and out of our lives every day. The temperament need ranges from approaching many people for association(socializing, surface relationships) to approaching only a select few.
The second Inclusion need is wanting people to approach us for association and socializing. This need is measured on a scale of wanting almost everyone to wanting almost no one to approach us for association.
Terms used to describe this association are interact, mingle, belong, communicate, companion, attend,member, togetherness, join, extrovert, introvert, exclusion, isolate, outcast, outsider, lonely, detached, withdrawn, abandoned and ignored.
InclusIon need #1 is the need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with people in the area of surface relationships (association and socialization).
InclusIon need #2 is our desire for wanting people to approach us for association andsocialization.
Inclusion is unlike the temperament need of Affection in that it does not involve the strong emotional attachments to another person.
Inclusion is unlike the temperament need of Control in that Inclusion concerns itself with the prominence of the social encounter. Control concerns itself with which of the participants in the interpersonal situation is dominant.
The need a person is attempting to meet in the area of Inclusion is the perception of feeling significant or worthwhile.
What is control?
Control is the need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with people in respect to control and power. This need will determine who needs to maintain control and hold the power in the interpersonal situation. The need for control within the temperament ranges from maintaining control over everyone’s behavior to maintaining control over no one’s behavior. The second area of need within the temperament is measured in wanting no one to control our behavior to wanting everyone to take control of our behavior.
Control is the decision-making process between people and is described in such terms as power, authority, dominance, influence, control, ruler, superior, officer, leader, rebellion, resistance, follower, anarchy, submission and henpecked.
Control Need #1 is the need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with people in respect to control and power.
Control Need #2 is the need within the temperament measured by wanting no one to control our behavior to wanting everyone to take control over our behavior.
Control differs from Inclusion because Control is the need for dominance within the interpersonal situation, not prominence of the relationship, i.e., the power behind the throne.
Control is different from Affection because it has to do with the need for power in the relationship rather than emotional closeness.
The perception of feeling competent is the need objective in the area of Control.
What is affection?
Affection is the need to establish and maintain a satisfactory relationship with others in regard to love and affection. The needs within the temperament range from showing love and affection to a great many people to showing love and affection to only a select few.
The second area of need within the temperament ranges from wanting love and affection from everyone to wanting love and affection from no one.
Affection is unique within the temperament because it can only occur one person to one person, whereas in the areas of Inclusion and Control a group of people can be combined to be associated with or controlled as one. The temperament need for intimacy can only be achieved by the close, personal, emotional feeling between two people. To become emotionally close to someone, requires an element of confiding innermost desires, anxieties and feelings. A strong emotional tie usually results through sharing feelings.
Affection Need #1 is the need to establish and maintain a relationship with others in regard to love and affection.
Affection Need #2 is the need within the temperament measured by wanting love and affection from everyone to wanting love and affection from very few.
The perception of feeling that “Self” is lovable is the need the person is attempting to meet in the area of Affection.
Get in touch with us and arrange a complimentary consultation to delve deeper into the Temperament Test.