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Stress Management
Some of the negative effects of stress include upset stomach, splitting headaches, intense grief, excessive drinking, sexual immorality and violent arguments. Stress dulls our memories, cripples our thinking, weakens our bodies, upsets our plans, stirs our emotions and reduces our efficiency. Stress not only shortens but drastically diminishes the quality of our lives
Our Approach
Some of the negative effects of stress include upset stomach, splitting headaches, intense grief, excessive drinking, sexual immorality and violent arguments. Stress dulls our memories, cripples our thinking, weakens our bodies, upsets our plans, stirs our emotions and reduces our efficiency. Stress not only shortens but drastically diminishes the quality of our lives. Stressor may promote self-destructive behavior such as abuse of food, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc.
What Stress Is?
Stress is the wear and tear caused by life. Stress is a state manifested by a specific syndrome of biological events and can be both pleasant or unpleasant. Stress is the mobilization of the body’s defenses that allow human beings to adapt to hostile or threatening events. Stress is dangerous when it is unduly prolonged, comes too often, or concentrates on one particular organ of the body.
What Stress Is Not?
Stress is not the discharge of hormones from the adrenal glands.
Stress is not nervous tension
Stress is not the influence of some negative occurrences.
Stress is not an entirely bad event.
How does it work?
We can help you remove stress from your life in less than 10 minutes with the identification of your inborn temperaments. Temperament pinpoints our perceptions of ourselves and the people who love us. It is also the determining factor in how well we handle the stresses and pressures of today.
Take our Temperament Questionnaire
Steps we take.
A stressor is basically any stimulus (internal or external) that prompts a stress reaction. Stress reactions may be physiological, psychological, emotional or behavioral in nature. Often the stress reaction is characterized by more than one of these components. Therefore, stress is not the stimulus itself, it is the reaction to a stimulus which serves to effect physiological, psychological, emotional, and/ or behavioral changes in an organism.
Low self esteem comes from a poor self image. Your self image is based on how you see yourself. Many us fail to see ourselves in a positive way because we don’t know our full potential.
Our Approach
Low self esteem comes from a poor self image. Your self image is based on how you see yourself. Many us fail to see ourselves in a positive way because we don’t know our full potential. The process of reversing low-self esteem begins with identifying your inborn Temperament traits by taking the APS Temperament Questionnaire also known as the Temperament Test.
How does it work?
Low self esteem plagues many of us because we doubt ourselves. Our insecurities are fueled by the constant need to look or appear competent or in control. Every living human has insecurities, some more than others.
Low self esteem feeds your negative thinking and causes you to believe the criticism others make of you. Do you take what others say and not speak up? This can cause you to lose confidence so it is vital to end negative thoughts if you want to build your self esteem.
Steps we take.
We encourage you to find your voice by taking our Temperament Test. Improve your self-confidence by discovering and meeting your emotional needs for Socialization, Control, and Affection. In addition gain the following:
Deeper Self-Awareness
Better Decision Making Ability
More full-filling, Stronger Marriages, Friendships, and Relationships
Better Career and Hobby Choices
Wedding Officiant
As a marriage officiant or marriage celebrant, my role is to solemnize and conduct wedding ceremonies. Religious weddings, such as Christian ones, are usually officiated by a pastor, such as a priest or vicar.
PREPARE/ENRICH Couples Assessment
Edify Counseling is Certified as an PREPARE/ENRICH Facilitator. This amazing assessment will completely transform the foundation of any relationship by indicting relationship strength and growth areas. Just to name a few.
Our Approach
Edify Counseling is Certified as an PREPARE/ENRICH Facilitator. This amazing assessment will completely transform the foundation of any relationship by indicting relationship strength and growth areas. Just to name a few.
How does it work?
We utilize PREPARE/ENRICH to quickly understand the couple at the dyadic and individual level, allowing you to help them navigate the dynamics and complexity of their relationship. P/E provides an objective report and framework for feedback that can be molded to fit any specific counseling discipline. You will confidently be able to give the couple a deeper experience by starting with an assessment.
Steps we take
With a solid research foundation and wide applicability of the assessment, P/E has found its home in the offices of professionals and lay leaders.
P/E adapts and reacts to the changing reality of relationships through continued research and development of assessment versions and resources. The reliability of the assessment and feedback guided by our Facilitators help couples strengthen and enrich their relationships.
Child, Teen, Family Counseling
We offer Family Counseling services based upon a highly effective form of counseling; Temperament Therapy. This form of counseling allows us to collectively identify the inborn Temperament traits of an entire family, therefore highlighting areas where behaviors and temperament might clash or coincide.
Our Approach
We offer Family Counseling services based upon a highly effective form of counseling; Temperament Therapy. This form of counseling allows us to collectively identify the inborn Temperament traits of an entire family, therefore highlighting areas where behaviors and temperament mights clash or coincide.
Many times parents force their kids into socializing not realizing the stress or anxiety its causes.
How does it work?
We can help your entire family do the following:
Identify each individuals Temperament type and emotional needs
Identify all stressors each individuals life and collectively as a family
Resolve internal and external conflict individually and collectively
Individually and collectively satisfy the Temperament needs of Inclusion, Control, and Affection
Your family is to important to continue to let dysfunction run its course. Bring peace into you home today
Steps we take.
Edify Counseling Group provides counseling and therapy to families searching to strengthen or restore inter and intra-personal relationships. Resolving internal and external conflict is essential to having peace within the home.
The first step to bringing peace is to have a Clinical Temperament Questionnaire administered to each family member. Once the results is gathered a picture will emerge indicting where all areas of conflict exist amongst the different Temperaments of each family member.
The knowledge of how each family member responds according to their inborn temperaments will strengthen communication, lessen stress/anxiety, and allow family member to truly understand one another like never before. The results are guaranteed.
Marriage Counseling
Edify would like to take the opportunity to offer a way for couples to enhance their relationship and provide a solid foundation for marriage for those seeking pre-marital/marriage counseling Through Temperament Therapy we can guarantee an increase in stronger, more fulfilling marriages, friendships and relationships for couples.
Edify offers a way for couples to enhance their relationship and provide a solid foundation for marriage. Through Temperament Therapy we can guarantee an increase in stronger, more fulfilling marriages, friendships and relationships for couples.
How does it work?
A potential bride and her husband would both take the 8-10 Temperament Questionnaire. Within minutes the results would immediately highlight areas where their temperaments would match and blend well, while also indicating areas where their temperaments would conflict with one another and cause stress. What we find in most Clinical Case Studies is the scenario where opposites attract. This happens when a Sanguine (MAN) marries a Melancholy (WOMAN).
Temperament Therapy would make the difference and help this couple to truly understand how each of them responds according to their temperament. This will provide a platform for them to address potential pitfalls, disagreements, arguments, and a lack of communication before they become problematic.
Temperament Therapy will provide the absolute best foundation to build any marriage upon.
Edify Creative Counseling Group recommends the Arno Profile System (A.P.S.) report for identifying problems in relationships for premarital and marital counseling, not the T-JTA. The T-JTA is complex and provides less insight. It is also used to measure behavior, not inborn temperament.
Pre-Marital Counseling
Our Approach
Edify would like to take the opportunity to offer a way for couples to enhance their relationship and provide a solid foundation for marriage for those seeking pre-marital/marriage counseling Through Temperament Therapy we can guarantee an increase in stronger, more fulfilling marriages, friendships and relationships for couples. This is accomplished through the identification of inborn Temperaments!
Find Out Who They Really Are?
We have the ability to administer a personalized Clinical Temperament Test which will identify a person’s inborn Temperament traits and needs with amazing accuracy. The information produced from the questionnaire provides amazingly accurate detailed inborn traits and determines the persons need for Socialization, Control, and Affection… And so much more!
How does it work?
A potential bride and her husband would both take the 8-10 Temperament Questionnaire. Within minutes the results would immediately highlight areas where their temperaments would match and blend well, while also indicating areas where their temperaments would conflict with one another and cause stress. What we find in most Clinical Case Studies is the scenario where opposites attract. This happens when a Sanguine (MAN) marries a Melancholy (WOMAN).
Temperament Therapy would make the difference and help this couple to truly understand how each of them responds according to their temperament. This will provide a platform for them to address potential pitfalls, disagreements, arguments, and a lack of communication before they become problematic. Temperament Therapy will provide the absolute best foundation to build any marriage upon.
Steps we take.
Edify Creative Counseling Group recommends the Arno Profile System (A.P.S.) report for identifying problems in relationships for premarital and marital counseling, not the T-JTA. The T-JTA is complex and provides less insight. It is also used to measure behavior, not inborn temperament.
Faith Based Counseling
Edify Creative Counseling Group offers Faith-based Counseling and Therapy through Pastoral/Christian Psychology. Many secular psychologists, counselors and therapists are ill-equipped to handle the Spiritual needs of millions of faith-filled believers.
Our Approach
Edify Creative Counseling Group offers Faith-based Counseling and Therapy through Pastoral/Christian Psychology. Many secular psychologists, counselors and therapists are ill-equipped to handle the Spiritual needs of millions of faith-filled believers.
Our Philosophy on Faith-Based Counseling
Christian Psychology, from our perspective, needs to be all about pointing people to God and helping them come to the right relationship with God. In order to do this successfully, our belief at Edify is that the pastoral counselor must understand the Inclusion, Control, and Affection needs of their client. This is done through identifying the clients Temperament Needs!. Here’s how it works!
Talk with a Licensed Clinical Professional Pastoral Counselor/Ordained Minister of the Gospel Today. We offer FREE Consultations!
Life’s Building Blocks
When we are conceived our unique temperament is placed within us by the order of God. This temperament does not change throughout life. When we live our lives within the traits of our temperament we gain emotional energy. When we live outside of our temperament traits then we lose emotional energy.
How does it work?
At birth, we begin interacting with our environment. This interaction, or life experience, leads to learned behaviors and creates character that may cause us to deviate from our temperament traits. These deviations will cost the individual emotional energy to maintain. Granted, the longer we practice these deviations the easier they get to maintain. But, emotional energy is still being expended. This expenditure just gets taken for granted and typically goes unnoticed until the individual emotionally crashes.
Our personality is self-selected, and is expressed in the way we perceive how we must behave to survive in the world in which we live. Personality may change as we try to reconcile conflict between our temperament and life history and as we interact with others.
Many, if not most, secular and Christian counselors diagnose and attempt to change their clients’ personality. However, an individual’s personality is the outcome of other influences in their life. Particularly, the N.C.C.A and Edify CCG, identifies two things that create an individual’s personality. First is the individual’s God given temperament. Second is the individual’s life experience which leads to learned behavior or their character.
Steps we take.
Edify Creative Counseling Group utilizes the Arno Profile System (A.P.S.) to determine an individual’s God given temperament. We feel that this invaluable tool is critical for the counselor and the counselee to understand what motivates the counselee and how they gain or lose emotional energy.
While our faith based approach to counseling does not require a counselor to “psycho-analyze” the client’s life experience, it is beneficial for the counselor to have a thorough understanding of the client’s life experience. This understanding, when combined with the counselee’s temperament, gives the counselor and counselee insight into why the counselee prefers various forms of sin and rebellion over others. It also helps them understand how a counselee gains or loses emotional energy.
Co-Dependency Counseling and Therapy
Codependency is a learned behavior, we usually “catch it” from our families of origin. Codependency is not genetic, we are not born with it, although our temperament will determine the direction and intensity it takes in our lives. In its broadest sense, codependency can be defined as an addiction to people, behaviors or things.
Our Approach
Codependency is a learned behavior, we usually “catch it” from our families of origin. Codependency is not genetic, we are not born with it, although our temperament will determine the direction and intensity it takes in our lives.
In its broadest sense, codependency can be defined as an addiction to people, behaviors or things. Codependency is the fallacy of trying to control interior feelings by controlling people, things and events on the outside.
The central issue in every aspect of life for the codependent is the degree of control they can maintain.
The codependent may be so enmeshed with another human being that they actually become addicted to that person. In this interpersonal codependency, the person has become so extensively involved in the other person that the sense of self–personal identity–is severely restricted, crowded out by that other person’s identity and problems. There are severe personal boundary problems in knowing where “I end and you begin.”
As professionals began to understand codependency better, more groups of people appeared to have it: adult children of alcoholics; people in relationships with emotionally or mentally disturbed persons; people in relationships with chronically ill people; parents of children with behavior problems; people in relationships with irresponsible people; professionals in “helping” occupations–nurses, social workers, counselors, pastors and others. Even recovering alcoholics and addicts noticed they were codependent and perhaps had been long before becoming chemically dependent. Codependents started cropping up everywhere.
Another important fact emerged. When a codependent person discontinued their relationship with one troubled person, they frequently found another troubled person.
Codependency comes under the broad category of personality disorders, the DSM-IV code is 301.9 Personality Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified (N.O.S.).2 Minirth and Meier define a personality disorder as,…deeply ingrained patterns of maladaptive behavior, often present throughout life. Personality disorders are characterized by behavior patterns rather than by the symptoms (such as anxiety or depression) which typify the clinical syndromes.